What's new on the Hive scene?

Hive was back at the Mind Sports Olympiad! This event occurs every year in North London (at JW3 in Finchley) at the end of August. For a week, more than 100 players from a few different countries (UK, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, South Korea, Mexico, etc.) meet to play competitively in many popular board game tournaments (up to 3 per day!). ...

The first European tournament was held in Budapest (Hungary) during the weekend of 8-9 June 2024. A weekend full of Hive: Saturday a whole-day tournament and Sunday morning the first official Hive Convention in Europe!

For the third year in a row, the Hive tournament at the UK Games Expo represents the finals of the UK Hive Cup and crowned the UK Hive Champion! This year was even more intense as the winner would have been sponsored to play in the European Hive Open in Budapest, Hungary, only a week later!

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