UK Hive Cup 2025

Do you have what it takes to become the next

UK Hive Champion?

Registration for the tournament isn't compulsory, but we always love knowing who's coming! If you'd like to let us know you'll be attending, you can register here:

If you want to run your local tournament as part of the UK Hive Cup, follow the Tournament Guidelines here: 


    Special Prizes

    • The winner of each local tournament will receive a 1-day ticket to enter the UKGE (on the day of the UK Hive Cup finals 2025), a ticket to enter for free the UKGE finals and exclusive prizes provided by Gen42. 
    • The winner of the UKGE Finals will be also rewarded with free accommodation for two nights and a flight ticket reimbursed (up to £100) to participate at the European Hive Convention and Open 2025 in Budapest, Hungary! (21-22 June 2025)

    All the tournaments, including the finals, are open to anyone! Use the links indicated for each event to register or buy tickets.

    Any shop, café, association or school can run their own local tournament!

    Please get in touch with us ( if you want to do it, and Gen42 will send you prizes and gadgets for free! 

    If this is your first time running a tournament, Gen42 sells a special Starter Tournament Pack at a discounted price that contains all you need to run an official tournament:

    The winner of each local tournament will also receive, on top of the prizes included in the pack, a free entry ticket to the UKGE 2025 and the final tournament! (the UKGE tournament is still open to anyone)

    The winner of the UKGE 2025 final tournament will become the UK 2025 Hive Champion and will be awarded paid travel to the European Hive Convention 2025 in Budapest, Hungary!

    Create your website for free!